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This is where you can enjoy a selection of sermons given at CBU conferences over the years.  We are continually adding to this collection, so please be sure to check back soon to see new sermons may have been uploaded. You can listen online, or download these to your own computer.  To stay up on the latest, susbscribe to the podcast and be notified when a new sermon is available.

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Sermons by Tom Jackson

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September 20, 2020

My Most Remarkable Day

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: My Most Remarkable Day Topic: Great Commission Passage: Matthew 28:16–20

January 15, 2020

Gaining 2020 Vision

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: 2020 Vision Topic: Vision Passage: Joshua 6:1–2

May 12, 2019

Great Faith for the Great Commission

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Great Faith Topic: Faith, Great Commission Passage: Revelation 7:9–10, Matthew 28:18–20, 1 Samuel 14:1–15

March 17, 2019

Singing the Songs of Faith

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Luke's Gospel: Beginnings Topic: Faith Passage: Luke 1:39–56

March 13, 2019

Faithful, Fruitful, Fulfilled.

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Luke's Gospel: Beginnings Topic: Faith Passage: Luke 1:25

February 24, 2019

That you may be certain

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Luke's Gospel: Beginnings Topic: Faith Passage: Luke 1:1–5

January 20, 2019

Walking With God

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Great Faith Topic: Faith Passage: Hebrews 11:5–6

January 13, 2019

No Shrinking Back

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Great Faith Topic: Faith Passage: Hebrews 10:32–39, Hebrews 12:1–2, Hebrews 10:19–22,

December 16, 2018

The Perfect Gift

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Christmas! Topic: Christmas Passage: Matthew 1:18–25

December 9, 2018

A Gift for Everyone

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Christmas! Topic: Christmas Passage: Matthew 1:1–17

December 2, 2018

A Well-planned Gift

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Christmas! Topic: Christmas Passage: Matthew 1:1

May 13, 2018

Living Anxiety Free

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Living Anxiety-free Topic: peace Passage: Matthew 6:25–33, Philippians 4:6–7

March 11, 2018

The Cave of Your Calling

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: The Cave of Your Calling Topic: Destiny Passage: 1 Kings 18:1–19

November 13, 2016

All You Need Is Love

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: November Gathering 2016 Topic: Christian Life

November 12, 2016

Ancient Boundaries

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: November Gathering 2016 Topic: Christian Life

January 17, 2016

Jesus Wins

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Vision of God Topic: Jesus Christ Passage: Revelation 1:9–18, Revelation 19:11–16

November 22, 2015

Let's Go Fishing

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: November Gathering 2015 Topic: Christian Life Passage: John 21

November 21, 2015

Give Me This Mountain

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: November Gathering 2015 Topic: Christian Life

May 3, 2015

Built By Jesus: The Spirit Empowered Church

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: 2015 Spring Conference Topic: The Church Passage: Acts 2:36–2:47

May 2, 2015

For This Purpose

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: 2015 Spring Conference Topic: The Holy Spirit Passage: Acts 26:12–26:19

November 8, 2014

Jesus: Preeminent in Mission

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: November Gathering 2014 Topic: Jesus Christ Passage: Colossians 1:13–1:20

April 6, 2014

Joy: The Elusive Fruit

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: 2014 Spring Conference Topic: Kingdom of God Passage: Hebrews 12:1–12:2

November 3, 2013

The Dirty Bride: God's Prevailing Church

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: November Gathering 2013 Topic: The Church Passage: Colossians 1:15–1:23

June 18, 2013

A Chat With Jim and Tom

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: 2013 Podcasts Topic: Podcast Passage: Joshua 1:1–1:9

April 15, 2013

What's this FOR?

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: 2013 Podcasts Topic: Podcast Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1–15:9

March 15, 2013

Drinking From The Rock

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: 2013 Podcasts Topic: Podcast Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1–15:14

February 18, 2013

Prayer From A Tight Place

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: 2013 Podcasts Topic: Podcast Passage: Jonah 2:1–2:10

January 16, 2013

The Forever View

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: 2013 Podcasts Topic: Podcast Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:16–4:18

November 3, 2012

Five Stones of Permanence

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: A Clear Word For Uncertain Times Topic: Christian Life Passage: Luke 24:13–24:34

January 8, 2012

Walking With The Father

Speaker: Tom Jackson Series: Seeking The Lord Topic: CentrePoint Church Passage: Acts 4:23–4:31